Sunday 15 July 2012

Don't stop believing

When I was a little girl, I had two dreams: to live next door to a sweet shop and to own a swimming pool. The friend I'm staying with in Bristol has a pool and it's absolutely brilliant. You roll out of bed and the next thing you know you're doing lengths. This morning's dip was especially welcome given my poor calf muscles needed soothing following yesterday's long barefoot run. To be fair, last night's three-hour 80's dance-a-thon didn't help. And neither did the three-inch heels. Thankfully, this morning's swim relieved the pain a little, which brings me back to how brilliant it would be to own your own pool. Unfortunately, we don't have room for one in our back garden but I shall continue to dream. And, on the plus side, we're only a couple of minutes from Tesco's and they sell sweets, proving that that some dreams do come true.

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