Monday 17 September 2012

Enjoyably hard (or hardly enjoyable)?

Eeurghh.... that's the noise I made on Saturday morning. A lot. I returned to Hampstead Heath parkrun and my fitness levels are officially at a new low. The whole thing was agony and I recorded my worst time ever. Ever. Worse than my scratch time. I'm not even back to square one, I'm back to the square before the square before square one. Time for bullets to be bitten!

On a recent trip to Centerparcs, I was reminded how much fun it is to 'do sport'. To whit, I start a beginner's squash course next Wednesday. 'Beginner' is a little disingenuous. I used to play every Saturday morning (when I was 13) so I'm hoping there's a residual knowledge I can build on. Rather disconcertingly, I recall there was a dangerously high rate of collapse at the club in 'old people'. I'm hyper-aware that, to my 13-year-old self, I am now 'old people'. Maybe I should wear a heart rate monitor?

Anyway, I'm hoping that a new sport will help me find my fitness mojo, which is currently missing in action. I think I may have lost it around mile 21 of the Brighton marathon. If anyone's by the south coast and they spot it, please return to NW6.

(Stats: 3.1 miles; 28.40; 9.14 minute/mile.)

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