Saturday 22 October 2011

A new plan

I've just been for a run on the heath. A 'parkrun' to be precise. It's a free timed 5k that takes place every Saturday morning at 9 am. In fact, they do them all over the country ( It has instantly become my favourite thing ever! You rock up. You run. You go home. Then around lunchtime, you discover how fast (or not) you ran it. It's like a race, but without being a race. And because there were enough entrants of differing fitness levels, I felt fairly confident I wouldn't be bringing up the rear a la last year's cross-country.

I decided to employ a slightly different running strategy today. Instead of conserving my energy for the final push, I would just run as fast as I could. And if my body rebelled, then I would slow down. And that's what I did. The course is split into two laps and I was shocked at how quickly I did the first half (12 minutes according to my stopwatch). However, on the second lap the pain kicked in and the final hill was a struggle (to the tree... to another yet another bloody tree, where's the top of the hill?!). At one point, I found myself neck-and-neck with a fat West Highland Terrier. I finally 'took him' when he stopped to relieve himself on a course marker.

My stopwatch says I did it in around 28 minutes, which means I was considerably slower on the second half. That said, I'll be intrigued to know my official time. I do hope that it's not worse than my stopwatch time. That would make me a bit cross.

It was nice to do something that was like a race, but wasn't competitive (well, not from where I was standing). Everybody was very friendly and one fellow runner even gave me a lift home. Which I very much appreciated as I was shattered. This running fast strategy is very tiring.

(Stats: 5km; stopwatch time: 28 minutes/official time: as yet unknown. I await the results with breath that is bated.)

(Pic: Post-run runners. Apologies for the strange 'treatment'. I took the photo into the sun (I'm no David Bailey) so I had to 'magic it' in iPhoto to clarify the image.)

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